Querido Gabo, alguna vez dijiste que la vida no es la que uno vivió, sino la que uno recuerda y como la recuerda para contarla.. tu vida querido Gabo la recordaremos como un regalo único e irrepetible, y como el más original de los relatos. Es difícil despedirse de ti, puesto que nos has dado tanto!
Te quedarás para siempre conmigo y con todos los que te quisimos y admiramos.
Dear Gabo, you once said that life isn't what one lived, but the life one remembers and how he remembers it to retell it...your life, dear Gabo, will be remembered by all of us as a unique and singular gift, and as the most original story of all. It's difficult to say goodbye to you, with all that you've given us! You will always be in my heart and in those of all who loved and admired you.